February, 2014
The Annual General Assembly approved a major upgrade to the facility which included
Relocation of the Beach Club office from a lower level Guest Room to the entrance of the Club
Construction of new change rooms with showers and toilets
Construction of a “universal access” washroom
Construction of new entrance gate, stairs and walkway as well as a universal access ramp
Construction of new lockers
The project cost of $712,000 MX was financed by a campaign for donations ($372,000 MX raised) and a $1000 MX per member special assessment. The work was completed by October, 2014.
February, 2016
The Annual General Assembly approved an upgrade to the pool and surrounding area which included
Removal of the existing deck, upper tiles of the pool and grass areas
Replacement of all pool supply and drainage pipes
Redesign and construction of new stairs connecting the terrace to the beach and pool deck
New landscaping
The project cost of $250,000 MX was funded by member annual dues.
In addition, air conditioning was installed in all five of the Guest Rooms.
February, 2017
The Annual General Assembly approved the upgrade of the kitchen and bar to meet “commercial kitchen” standards.
The work was completed by October, 2017 and some additional kitchen equipment was purchased and installed in 2018. The project cost of $300,000 MX was funded by member annual dues.